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Is the Bible Just Another Religious Text?
Using HOLLYWOOD to reveal how only ONE book in history can claim — and prove — to be “living and active.”
“The Bible is another religious book among hundreds, written by finite, frail human authors with competing agendas and differing ideas.”
How often have we heard this, especially in the last decade? Maybe you’ve said it yourself.
Maybe you believe it yourself.
Christians often argue to the contrary, claiming that the Bible is the “inspired” Word of God. They would assert that it took well over two hundred years and numerous “councils” to determine which texts were truly ‘inspired’ and which were written by men.
Has the book transformed lives? Absolutely. Many have shared their conversion stories in Hollywood alone. Think Johnny Cash, Alice Cooper, and Dolly Parton… men and women whom the Text and its supposed Writer have radically altered and transformed.
But… has it caused immense damage? Absolutely. Think about the cultural (and genocidal) despair of the dark ages. Consider how its passages were used to supposedly legitimize the acceptance of slavery or how its verses are held up to attack the LGBTQIA community.